GlobalMercy of God Church is a church planted in Nekemte town, East Wollega Zone, Ethiopia with vision by the man of God prophet Meseret Taye, in 2013. For its age, it was just six (6) years ago that Global Mercy of God Church was planted. However, as the founder, visionary and manager of the church, man of God prophet Mesert Taye had been laboring a lot and praying diligently about the manifestation of the power of God and his ministerial call for a long time, the services rendered in this church surpass that of the well-established churches that launched their services long time ago. Praise the Lord!
It seems that the Lord is hastening the service that He renders through churches these days. There are good convincing reasons for this premise. Here, it would be vital to cite the situations of our contemporary world.
It is very evident that the post-modernity age the world is experiencing is full of different forms of worldliness, evil acts and all the manifestations of the works of the devil. It is not by mere chance that all these things happen. It is not without reason that all these happen, and even continue more than ever. No doubt that these are the signs of the manifestations of the biblical prophecy about the last days.
It would also be important to observe the other extreme of our contemporary world. The other side of our contemporary world that worth paying special attention, care, devotion and actual participation, nurture is the biblical prophecy about the manifestation of the power of God, the work of the Holy Spirit to be revealed as the signs the last days. It has been prophesied that the power of the Holy Spirit would be revealed as a sign of the last days to lead people to believe in Jesus, to assemble people to them to the kingdom of God from all nations, peoples, languages (Rev. 5:9-10,7:9-10).
As the fulfilment of the biblical prophecy (Joel 2) and the promise of Jesus Christ towards his ascension, it is very apparent that the Holy Spirit poured on the early disciples and filled them with the power of God, which became strong pillar, working agent and ever winning tool for the church. As per his promise, God has been calling different people from all spheres of life and equipping them with different gifts of ministry manifesting his gospel of salvation to call people for eternal life.
Consequently, as it is clearly observed, the mighty hand of God is revealed more than is ever in the midst of his people in different parts of the world performing various unexpected miracles. Specifically, in Ethiopia, the country which had been ruled by an atheist materialist regime for seventeen (17) years, the power of God has new been moving in the land performing various untold miracles.
Global Mercy of God Church is one manifestation of the miraculous working hands of God moving in this land, Ethiopia. Global Mercy of God Church was established in Ethiopia, East Wollega Zone, in Nekemte town by the founder and manager of the church, a man of God prophet Mesert Taye in 2013.
This Global Mercy of God Church was not planted is simple way. It was after passing the great challenges with the power of God and faith of the founder that the establishment this church was realized.
As the devil knew the mighty hand of God to be rendered and the miraculous services to be delivered in this church, right from the very idea of its establishment, the devil, through its agents, was objecting the construction of the church building very seriously.
In line with this, the house that was built for temporary church service was demolished four (4) times by the opponents. Even someone went forth and bet strongly with prophet Meseret Taye to the extent of threatening him saying,” I will take off my trousers through my head! You can’t build a church here!” This is a saying in Afan Oromo to mean ‘never ever can you do it! At any cost, I would stand against it!’
It is commonplace fact that trousers are not taken off through the head unless torn apart and lost their form as trousers, but it is merely a saying that under no circumstance are you allowed to do so.
However, one thing is very true. The vision of church planting at this place came from God himself. And no one and nothing can stop the will of God in the history of the world. He is the Lord on all things, at all times. Hence the threatening words of the devil and its hindering actions collapsed, and the will of God has been accomplished.
Consequently, the Global Mercy of God Church has now owned a large plot of land ( ——– sq meter). A modern, large, artistic, suitable church building has now been constructed for worship service. Global Mercy of God Church area is stretched from corner to corner and laid aside as a “mercy city “
Nekemte town, where Global Mercy of God Church is found, is a strategic center for the dissemination of the Gospel. Right from the very beginning, Wollega as a whole, which is now divided into six (6) administrative zones, and specifically, Nekemte town has special position in relation to the Gospel.
It is apparent historical fact that missionaries from Europe, specially from Germany, had been struggling hard to bring the Gospel of salvation to Ethoipia, to Oromya, for which Wollega, Nekemte became a strategic center later on.
The motto of these missionaries was ‘’Give us the Oromo, we will reach Africa!’’ So their main concern was to reach the Oromo people and research the others- African through them.
To this effect, they were trying hard to enter Ethiopia from directions- North, East, West, during which a lot of them died of hunger, yellow fever, killed by bandits and the territorial governors. After long trials eventually, their objective became realized through buying and liberating an Oromo slave Hika, Onerimos Nesib, who later translated the Bible into Afan Oromo with the support of Aster Genno.
Onesimos Nesib came to Wallagga about seven years after the pioneer evangelists Gbre-Ewostatoes and his group had started work at Bodji. `An Orthodox priest Gbre-Ewostatoes was able to come the Wallega in 1898 to preach to Gospel. However, the then regime didn’t allow them to preach the Gospel. Onesimos was detained in Nekemte and was ordered not go out of the town and not to preach the Gospel. In spite of the order given to him not to preach the Gospel, Onesimos was working hard teaching, training, witnessing the gospel. He was specially teaching, training and equipping the converts with the Word of God. This is to mean that seeds of the Gospel were sawn and planted here in Nekemte. So Nekemte, Where Global Mercy of God Church is found is strategic center for Gospel dissemination.
The sever persecution of the ethicist regime couldn’t stop the seed of the Gospel planted in this land. Churches were praying and encouraging each other secretly with the Word of God during this time. Externally, the Mekane Yesus Church was serving other denominations giving them wide coverage during this time of persecutions.
Jesus Christ, the Head and Conner Stone of the church, is alive; He has never set aside his words, He has never let his seeds to die. In line with this, towards the end of the ethicist regime, dawn has come for the Gospel in Nekemte town. The mighty hand of God stared working in Dallo Mekane Yesus Congratulation through the anointed minister Abdi Megersa (Presently Reverend). The might hand of God was performing different miracles, healing people coming from different parts of the counter from different incurable diseases.
This taken for granted, in the past few decades, a lot of prophesies have been flowing on different conferences, crusades and church services held in Nekemte towns. God had been promising that he would anoint and raise someone through whom he would perform miraculous works that would draw the attentions of the people from different parts of the county (Ethiopia) and even from the different parts of the world.
It was in this context and under this promise that a man of God prophet Meseret Taye came up with the Global Mercy of God Church. Presently the mighty hand of God is apparently moving in this Global Mercy God Church healing people from different incurable diseases, working on deliverance from various bondages and yokes of the devil and of the world. In this way, the Lord is drawing people to the Kingdom of God, the very reason Jesus Christ came to this world and gave his life on the cross.
It is historical fact and biblical truth that Jesus was healing people suffering from different kinds of sicknesses and diseases.
Accordingly, at this Global Mercy of God Church, he is still healing all kinds of sicknesses and diseases. Among the kinds of sicknesses and diseases people are getting healed from the following are the main ones:
- Patients in bed for many years coming to this church with the help and support of their friends are healed and automatically begin jumping and going back on their own
- Patents using wheelchairs and waking with crutch for many years are seen getting healing and automatically, begin jumping and walking properly on their own.
- A lot of patients coming to the church with Referral Certificates for higher treatment are healed and go back to their respective hospital for checkup are found to be free from their previous diseases.
- Women whose case doctors confirmed that they can’t bear children because of some health problems and those who are barren for years (even for more than 22 years) are bearing children the next year after the prophet has prayed for them.
- Many people witness that they have been healed by using Anointing Water that prophet Meseret Taye prayed over and through touching TV Screen of Global Mercy of God Church (Arara TV).
- Even the plots of land, cows, businesses, which had been barren, and with no products for many years are found to be productive when (applying) using the anointing water the prayer of faith the prophet renders and the power of God working in this church.
- The power of God working in this church is working on patients with damaged kidney, heart failure, hemorrhoids bleeding for over 25 years are getting healing.
- New organs, kidney, heart, cruntch have also been replaced by the mighty hand of God.
- A lot of people getting healing and deliverance through watching prayer held in Global Mercy of God Church (Arara TV) are coming to the church for witness.
- The power of God is touching patents with sever diseases that doctors said that they would not be alive by service of the power of God reveled in this church. People confirm their healing and witness after checking up their health in all aspects
In general, the power of God is healing patients suffering from cancers of different kinds, HIV AIDS, blindness, deafness and dampness, blood pressure, paralysis, diabatic, discs, madness, cripple, gangrene, severe broken bones into various parts, demonic attacks and possession, are some of the diseases people get deliverance from. They are healed automatically by the power of God working in this church and are found witnessing.
God is using a man of God prophet Mesert Taye as an instrument of healing, prophesy, deliverance, blessing and salvation. Thousands of people are flocking to the service the Holy Spirit is rendering here, as they hear about the miraculous events taking place here. Consequently, the miraculous service the power of God is performing in this Global Mercy of God Church is attracting thousands of people both from the country, Ethiopia, and foreign countries.
To bring over all change by preaching and teaching the gospel to all creatures
Bringing all men to Christ by the power of the gospel, equipping them with the Word of God, making them disciples and producing those who have transformed lives
Global Mercy of God Church has the following objectives she wants to fulfill in her services
- Reaching all men with the gospel of salvation based on the commandments given on Matt. 28:18-20 and Luke 4:17-19.
- Teaching the Word of God to those who have received Christ to grow to his likeness, to have proper ethical life and become efficient citizens.
- Encouraging the believers by the Word of God to pray for our country, for her peace, fast growth and be model for the world.
- Conducting gospel ministry and conferences according to the rule and regulation of the country for the deliverance works.
- Delivering healing ministry to the people suffering from different kinds of sicknesses and diseases in different regions of the country.
- Training and sending out those people who could preach and teach according to the Word of God that says, “…and the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit those to faithful men who will be able to teach others” (2Tim 2:2).
- Giving Bible courses, anointment services, healing and deliverance, establishing spiritual schools and planting churches.
- Conducting gospel works in other places with the guidance of the Holy Spirit
- Conducting gospel ministry both in the country and on international level.